

Kilmaris'  General Appearance

Standing at a few inched above the seven foot mark with a lean muscled build that fills out his height perfectly.  The toned build of the wolven only defined all the more by the coal black fur that covers his frame with accents of crimson red that bleeds through darkened fur along the edges of his ears and the underside of his tail and around the edges of piercing blue eyes.

A Brief Background For Kilmaris

Born the bastard son of a wolven woman who was a servant within an exceedingly wealthy household.  His mother's wolven features were diminished and in fact barely showed her lineage all so it came as a great surprise that he wore such strong and power wolven features even from the earliest age. It would be almost destiny that grow up the son of a servant that he to would grow up into that life as well though an unexpected decision on his mother's part would guarantee it  His mother being a paid employee to the house had no desire to live her whole life as servant and as her son grew she saw an opportunity. 

Late one evening she and her employers struck a bargain they acquired the boy and she walked away a few thousand mhl richer. He was so young though that he never  knew of this sly little deal and as he grew up a ribbon of lies was spun that depicted the family that owned him as heroes that saved his life.  It was this lie that became so ingrained in him that led him to learn to become a dutiful ad loyal servant jumping at any chance to serve and going out of his way to fulfill even the smallest want or need the household might have. 

He served in this way well into his adulthood by the time he was twenty he was responsible for the training of every slave or servant that stepped foot into the house and by twenty-five he was responsibly for all the help within the home directing who did what and keeping the standards for a perfect home. But those that had originally acquired him to serve their needs were getting one in years and perhaps a bit of guilt was starting to set in for how they had manipulated the boy.  So just a year shy of his thirtieth birthday  he was told that he had more than repaid any debt he had to them and was granted his freedom.  Given a few coins and sent on his way he packed the few things that he could call his own and with great reluctance left the home.  He knew he couldn't stay forever and it was high time he got out and saw the world and now was his chance but even so a part of him missed the life he left behind.