

Lhaindir's General Appearance

Never the athletic sort he would be quite slender though lean framed. His soft blonde hair tumbling down to the middle of his back. Hazy bronze eyes flicker beyond the lacy strands of blonde hair that drape across his eyes. Fairly tall for his race at just over five and and half foot though quite thin and what can only be described as dainty

A Brief Background For Lhaindir

From a young age he knew that he wasn't quite like most of the other boys. He had no interest in hunting and fight and wrestling in the childish many of most young men. This fact isolated him from most others his own age and he took to the arts early on as a way to express himself. When he saw all those that he had grown up with getting close to girls and boasting of their conquests the realization that he had no interest such things in fact he was far more interested watching the other men of his village. The village was small so his preference wasn't secret long and earning much taunting once others knew. He would put up with the taunts for years but grew to the point that he didn't need to and soon left his home to find his happiness.

Lhaindir's Full Biograpghy

Even in the days of childish games and mock sword fights with sticks plucked from the forest floor Lhaindir knew he was different than the other boys. He had no interest in rough housing or wrestling and fighting like the other boys his age quite the contrary actually he liked pretty things and fighting certainly wasn't pretty. It began as a simple admiration of the lovely shimmering colorful crystals that were common in the grounds around the village that he grew up in, though such fascination soon swelled in an undeniable artistic flare. He driven to bring life and color to all of which that was drab and boring in the world. He never did quite fit in with others his age as a result such left him secluded much of is life. Adolescence was particularly difficult on him, he starting to come into his own and beginning to realize things about himself that were challenging for him to accept.

In the years that would follow he would watch those that he had grown up with starting to woo the pretty girls and bragging egotistically of their conquests though the fact remained that he had no such interest in these girls rather he found himself jealous of them. Lhain almost desperately wanted the pretties that the girls had, lovely gowns and elegant clothing, wonderful sparkling jewelry though nothing more desperately did he hunger for than the hard bodied bucks that pursued the girls with such ferocity. By no measure did he wish to be a girl even the merest thought of 'girl parts' making him queasy what he wanted rather was what they possessed, flawless beauty, unparalleled grace and of course the eye of every boy that passed wanting him desperately. So he would take those simple desires for his own, primping and pampering himself he dressing in the prettiest things, endlessly making his already dainty and delicate figure all the more beautiful and desirable.

He had of course kept silent of all his prissy little habits knowing that the open knowledge of such would be met with laughter. He held the secret well but as in any small village new news is a commodity and secrets would always be found and flushed out into the light. Lhain's time would come surprisingly when he wasn't in the village at all. Several miles away there was a small port city one that was barely worth notice but to Lhain coming from that tiny little village it was the most populated place he had ever seen. He would visit a tavern there often changing somewhere between the village and the town into the prettiest dress he owned so that he could seek casual meetings with strangers that look on him with lust and desire if only for the fact that he looked so feminine when he was dressed up. It was one such night when he happened to find himself in the passionate embrace of a stranger that it all came crashing down. A group young men just a few years his senior arrived in that same tavern looking for there newest conquest. Were it not for the fact that one happened to be eyeing a girl at the end of the bar just past where Lhain was cozied in the lap of some handsome thing that had just come into port he might never of been spotted. Though when the man from Lhain's village passed him by to head toward the girl he would recognize him. There was a sudden burst of laughter that grabbed Lhain's attention his head raised to catch sight of the villager. Before he could even protest Lhain would be torn from the lap of the sailor and pulled before the tavern crowd his clothing ripped free of his lean body exposing the boy for what he was. So enraged by the perceived trick the sailor would wail upon the defenseless Lhain while the men from his village stood by and laughed.

The secret was out then by the time Lhain had dragged his battered self home the following day the whole of the village buzzed of the news the men had brought back of Lhain adventures. He easily became a joke within the the tiny village met with laughter and pointing on a regular basis he could barely stand how humiliated he was how those who should be his friends made light of him. He toughed out the jokes for a long time it seemed but nothing was ever the same and eventually there came a point that he decided that he need not live with such behavior that there was bound to be a place he could live peacefully. Gathering whatever he could on a moment's notice he would depart the village and the small minded inhabitants to set his way out on the world. It would not always be easy sometimes he found his pleasure with brief periods of happiness and other times he got slapped and pushed around but when he finally settled in a place that seemed just large enough that he could blend into the tapestry he was able to claim some tiny corner of a normal exist for himself.